Trainning -Microservices using C# - 2 Days

Trainning -Microservices using C# - 2 Days


  • Attendees must have prior experience working with C# to take this class.
  • A minimum of 6-months of hands-on C# experience is recommended to get the most out of the course.
  • Prior experience with ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC or Web API is highly recommended.
  • Experience with ASP .Net Core will ease out understanding.

(It Is mandatory to accomplish the training prerequisite conditions before nominating for the session)
Microservices provide an architectural pattern that allows applications to be written in a more flexible and re-usable manner.  They offer several benefits such as better re-use, simplified maintenance, ability to handle change requests and business rules changes more easily, independent versioning and deployment of services, increased productivity for new and existing team members, the option to scale out one or more application features, integration between multiple technologies, and much more.
Technologies covered:   ASP .Net Core & Microservices
Programming languages:              C#
Duration:                                             2 Days

Day 1
Microservices at a Glance
  • What is a Microservice?
  • What is a Microservices Architecture?
  • Microservice Characteristics
  • Why Microservices?
  • Enabling Continuous Delivery
  • High Level of Maintainability
  • Resilient and Scalable
  • The Costs and Downsides of Microservices
  • Greenfield vs. Brownfield
  • Code Reuse
Technology for Microservices
  • What technologies should we use to create Microservice?
  • Synchronous Communication
  • Asynchronous Communication
  • Virtualization
  • Containers
  • Self-Hosting
  • Registration and Discovery
  • Monitoring Technology
  • Logging Technology
  • Scaling
  • Automation Tools

Identifying and Scoping Microservices
  • The Primary Driver for Scoping Microservices: Business Capabilities
  • What is a Business Capability?
  • Identifying Business Capabilities
  • Example: Point of Sale System
  • The Secondary Driver for Scoping for Microservices: Supporting Technical Capabilities
  • What is a Technical Capability?
  • Examples of Supporting Technical Capabilities
  • Identifying Technical Capabilities
Creating a Microservice
  • Serving a User Request
  • Main Handling of the User Request
  • Side Effects of the User Request
  • The Complete Picture
  • A .NET Microservices Technology Stack
  • Nancy
  • OWIN
  • Setting Up a Development Environment
  • A Simple Microservices Example
  • Create an Empty ASP.NET 5 application
  • Add Nancy to the Projects
  • a Nancy Module with an Implementation of the Endpoint
  • Add an OWIN Middleware
Day 2
Microservice Approach
  • Brownfield Microservices
  • Approach
  • Microservices Migration
  • Microservices Database Migration
  • Microservices Transactions
  • Microservices Reporting
  • Greenfield Microservices
  • Microservices Conditions
Cross Cutting Concerns: Monitoring and Logging
  • Monitoring Needs in Microservices
  • Logging Needs in Microservices
  • Structured Logging with SeriLog
  • Implementing Monitoring Middleware
  • Implementing Logging Middleware
  • Adding a Correlation Tokens to All Log Messages
  • Adding a Correlation Token to All Outgoing HTTP Requests
  • Logging Requests and Request Performance
  • Configuring an OWIN Pipeline with Correlation Token and Logging Middleware
Securing Microservice to Microservice Communication
  • Microservices Security Concerns
  • Authenticate Users at the Edge
  • Authorize Users In Microservices
  • How Much Should Microservices Trust Each Other?
  • Implementing Secure Microservice to Microservice Communication
  • Intro to IdentityServer
  • Implementing Authentication with IdentityServer Middleware
  • Implementing Authorization with IdentityServer and Middleware
  • Implementing User Authorization in Nancy Modules


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