Angular 5.0 – 3 Days

Angular 5.0 – 3 Days

  • Participants must be having mandatory knowledge and/or experience of Typescript and JavaScript programming.
  • Students should have considerable experience with HTML5.
  • Students should understand Intermediate JavaScript: Promises, Classes, and Events
  • Students should also know ES6 JavaScript Syntax
(It is mandatory to accomplish the training prerequisite conditions before nominating for the session)
AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework, maintained by Google that assists with running single-page applications. Its goal is to augment web-based applications with model–view–controller (MVC) capability, to make both development and testing easier.
Angular is the next big deal. Being the successor of the overwhelmingly successful Angular.js framework it’s bound to shape the future of frontend development in an analogous way. The powerful features and capabilities of Angular allow you to create complex, customizable, modern, responsive and user-friendly web applications.
Angular 5 simply is the latest version of the Angular framework and simply an update to Angular 2 & 4.
Angular is faster than Angular 1 and offers a much more flexible and modular development approach. After taking this course, you’ll be able to fully take advantage of all those features and start developing awesome applications immediately.
Technologies covered:   Angular 5.x.x
Programming languages:              JavaScript & TypeScript
Duration:                                             3 Days
Day 1
Understanding Angular
  • What is Angular 5 and why to use it?
  • Installing and Configuring Angular 5 Project
    • Managing Dependencies and Development Environment
      • RxJs
      • SystemJs
    • Configuring TypeScript
      • Using tsconfig.json
    • Downloading packages using NPM
    • Configuring Webpack build
  • Angular 5 Architecture
  • Angular 5 Components (HOL)
    • What is Component?
    • Creating Component for DataModel
    • Understanding and Using Templates
    • Multiple Component Communication.
  • Understanding and Manipulating Templates
    • Using Templates
    • Rendering Views
  • Using Directives
    • Attribute and Structural Directives
    • *ngIf, *ngFor
Day 2
Angular 5 Data Binding and Forms
  • Need of Databinding for Professional Application Development (HOL)
    • Overview
    • Property Binding
    • Event Binding
  • Understanding Forms (HOL)
    • Data-Driven Forms (Model Forms)
    • Template Forms
    • Forms Validation
    • Custom validations
  • Understanding and Using Pipes (HOL)
    • Bulit-in Pipes
    • Parameterized Pipes
    • Custom Pipes
Day 3
Angular 5 Http Services, Routes and Dependency Injection
  • Understand Angular 5 Dependency Injection.
    • Injection introduction
    • Why dependency injection?
    • What can be injected?
    • Explaining DI
  • Creating services
    • Injecting services into Components
  • Using Services for Http Calls (HOL)
    • Performing Http Operations
    • Show async data via the async pipe
    • Understanding Observables
  • Understanding Angular 5 Routing
    • How routing works.
    • Configuration
    • Router Links
    • Parameterized Routes
    • Sub Routes
    • Lazy Module Loading


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