Capital Markets- 4 Days

Capital Markets- 4 Days


Introduction to financial markets (2.5 hours)     

Purpose of Financial Markets
·                     Economic life cycle
·                     Implication for different entities
·                     Flow of money between the entities
·                     Money Supply
·                     Inflation & Interest Rates
·                     Business Cycles
Overview of Financial Markets
Concept of Asset Class
·                     Equity
·                     Debt
·                     Forex
·                     Commodities
Use of each Asset Class (in brief)
Concept of Primary Market and Secondary Market
Difference between basic asset class and derived asset class
Primary market
·                     Methods of issue of securities
·                     Players
·                     Regulations
Secondary market
·                     Players
·                     Securities
·                     Methods of trading
·                     Regulations
Types of financial markets
·                     OTC
  • Securities traded
  • Rationale
  • Disadvantages
  • Regulations
·                     Exchange traded
  • Securities
  • Regulations
  • Advantages & disadvantages
Money Markets Instruments (2 Hours)
Introduction to Money Markets
Money Markets Instruments
Money Markets Participants
Repurchase (Repo and Reverse Repo) transactions
Overnight Interbank Loan Markets
LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate)
Certificate of Deposit
Commercial Paper
Introduction to Equity (3 hours)
Equity securities
·                     What are equity shares?
·                     Risk and reward
·                     Capital structure – when would a company issue equity securities versus debt securities?

Day 2
Introduction to Equity (3.5 hours)
Variants of equity shares
·                     Depository receipts
·                     ADRs
·                     GDRS
·                     Equity warrants
·                     Traditional warrants (warrants linked bond)
·                     Covered warrants

Issue of equity shares (IPO, FPO, Offer for Sale and Private placement)

Secondary trading of equity shares
·                     European equity markets
•             MiFID categories of trading venues – regulated markets, multilateral trading facilities and systematic internalizer
•             High frequency trading (in brief)
•             Dark pools and lit markets (in brief)
•             Algorithmic or black box trading (in brief)
•             Over the counter markets (in brief)
•             Types of trade (in brief)
•             Order book (lit and hidden)
•             Auction
•             Dark order book
•             Real time on exchange reported
•             Delayed on exchange reported
•             Real time off exchange OTC
•             Delayed off exchange OTC
•             Time in Force (TIF) orders
•             Order matching Priority – Price Time, Quantity based ,etc.
•             Financial Information Exchange (FIX) Protocol
•             FIX Adapted for Streaming Protocol (FAST)
Equity markets
·                     RegNMS categories of trading venues – automated quotes (fast markets) and manual quotes (slow markets)
·                     Major stock exchanges
·                     Broker sponsored execution venues
·                     Alternative trading systems
·                     Lit and dark markets
·                     High frequency trading
·                     Algorithmic trading
·                     Over the counter markets
·                     Types of orders (Market, Limit, Short Sale and Special Orders)
Buying on margin
European Post Market Trading Mechanism
Introduction to Fixed Income (4 hours)
Difference between stock market and bond markets
Characteristics & Features
Instruments of Fixed Income Markets
Major Players
Different Markets (Governments Markets, Money Markets, Corporate Bonds, Agency Bonds, Municipal Bonds)
Pricing Conventions and Interest rates
Present Value, Future Value, compounding, discounting, Price vs. Yield, Types of Yield (Current yield, Nominal yield, yield to maturity, yield till date and yield to call)
Day 3
Overview of Foreign Exchange Markets (2.5 hours)
Forex market terminologies
Structure of the Forex market
Forward Trades
Forex Risks

Introduction to Derivatives (5 hours)     
Derivatives Overview
·                     Need for Derivatives
·                     Products
·                     Participants and Functions
·                     Exchange Traded vs. OTC Derivatives
Market Index
·                     Index Construction
·                     Desirable attributes of an index
·                     Application of Index
Forward Contracts
·                     Introduction to Forward Contracts
·                     Limitations of forward contracts
Futures Contracts
·                     Introduction to Futures Contracts
·                     Futures Terminology
·                     Standardized Exchange traded contractsDay 4

Introduction to Derivatives (2.5 hours) 

Options Contracts
·                     Introduction to Option Contracts
·                     Calls and Puts
·                     Options Terminology
·                     Options Characteristics

Commodities (1 hour)   

What is commodity market
·                     Market Players
·                     Basic Features

Life Cycle of a Trade (4 hours)   

Trading & settlement
Market place
·                     Participants
·                     Regulators
·                     Custodians

Types of transactions

Trade enrichment

Trade validation

Settlement Instructions

Corporate actions



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