Spring Boot - 2 Days

Spring Boot - 2 Days
  • Basic knowledge of Java EE(Web Application Basics and Three tier architecture)
  • Working knowledge of Spring
  • Audience: This workshop is intended for Application developers who know basics of Spring framework and not need to start development of micro services based projects using Spring Boot.
(It is mandatory to accomplish the training prerequisite conditions before nominating for the session)
Course Objectives:
After completing this workshop the participants will be able to
  • Work with Spring Boot
Course Contents:
Day 1:
Recap of Spring Framework (Theory)
                just highlight DI usage
Understanding Services (Theory)
                Overview of SOA
                Rich Internet Applications
Starting with RESTful Web Services (microservices)
Rest Implementations (Demo + Practice)
    Contract first REST Services  (e.g. Swagger / YAML)
  • RequestMapping
  • PathVariable
  • RequestBody
  • ResponseBody
Getting Started with Spring Boot: (Theory + Practice)
    Installing Spring Boot Cli
    Spring Boot starters, maven
    Application class
    Build as a Runnable jar
    Dependency injection, component scans, Configuration 
    Externalize your configuration using application.properties
Day 2:
Building Web App for Spring Boot (Theory + Practice)
                Context Root and Management ports
                Working with YAML files instead of properties
Exposing Micro Service application using Spring Boot (Practice)
                Understanding and Implementing Spring Data for JPA
Introduction to Spring Cloud (Theory)
                What and Why cloud
Using Spring Cloud abstractions for using various Cloud services (Theory + Practice)
                starting with local cache and replacing with Elasticache,


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