Web Services Testing – 3 Days

Web Services Testing – 3 Days

Must have knowledge of Manual testing
Good to know (but not necessary) basic knowledge of Groovy, Eclipse Site
(It is mandatory to accomplish the training prerequisite conditions before nominating for the session)
All topics are introduced by examples and real-life experience learning, the topics are inclusive of learning by workshop and hands-on session. Certain topics are elaborated with live Case Studies to elaborate the subject matter
  • Manual Software Testing Techniques for Web Services
  • Automation testing of Web Services using SOAP UI and REST API Testing
  • Software Test Professionals, QA Managers and Architects, QA Specialists
  • Manual Testers, Software Quality Control Engineers, Test Leads
Schedule  Topics
Day 1       Module 1 – 2
Day 2       Module 3 – 4
Day 3       Module 5 – 6
** All Modules listed are covered during Workshop. However, Module Coverage and Day-wise coverage may vary based on Participants Need and Skillset. Some Modules may be covered early or later while some may require greater detailing than other modules. Day-wise break-up of Modules is only indicative, not to be considered as de-facto.
1.0Introduction to Workshop
Webservices and SoapUI
Mix: Introduction
  • Web Services Testing and SoapUI Concepts
  • Alternatives to SOAP
  • Introduction to WSDL
  • Message Exchanging Patterns
  • Approaches to testing web services
    • Unit, Functional, Integration, Performance
  • Challenges in testing Web Services
  • Practicals: Testing Web Services Manually
  • Introduction to Web Services testing using tools
  • How tools and manual testing services complement each
What is SoapUI? 
Use of SoapUI 
Features of SoapUI 
Practicals: Setup SoapUI on Windows
Understand the terms in WSDL
3.0 Practicals: SoapUI Project
Creating SoapUI Project
SOAP requests and responses
Practicals: Using SoapUI
  • Create Project
  • Create Test Suite
  • Add Test Cases
  • Run Test Suite
  • Working with Test Cases
    • Reading values from file
    • Transfer properties between test steps
  • Performance testing using SoapUI
    • Types of Load Tests – Simple, Burst, Thread, Variance
  • 4.0 Practicals: Execute Performance Test
Run a performance test
Load test report analysis
Load test assertions in SoapUI
5.0  Practicals: SoapUI Advanced
Scripting in SoapUI
  • Introduction to Groovy
Practicals: Using Groovy
  • Hello Groovy first program
  • Variable, object declaration
  • Control structures
  • Class and method declarations
  • Setup, Teardown, Assertions
  • test Runner
Automated testing using SoapUI
Some SoapUI Plugins
6.0 REST Testing
Introduction to REST
  • Test REST APIs using SoapUI
  • Functional Testing of REST services
  • WADL


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