Mobile Testing with Appium – 5 Days

Mobile Testing with Appium – 5 Days


  • Must have knowledge of Manual Software Testing
  • Android Mobile Devices and USB Cables are available for conduct of the testing on Real Devices
  • In absence of Real Devices, Emulators shall be used
  • iOS Mobile Devices, Developer License, USB Cable
  • iOS requires participants to be registered as Developers at Apple Developers’ Site
(It is mandatory to accomplish the training prerequisite conditions before nominating for the session)


Course covers Advance level concepts on Mobile Automation testing APIs such as Appium with practical and working examples on Real Android Devices, Emulators, iOS Devices and Simulators. Workshop and lectures are designed to enable implementation and use Appium for Mobile automation testing


  • Test Automation of Mobile (Native, Web-based, Hybrid) Applications using Appium
  • Test Automation using Selenium Desired Capabilities, TestNG, Selenium Grid, and, End-to-End Exercises


  • Software Test Professionals, QA Managers and Architects, QA Specialists
  • Manual Testers, Software Quality Control Engineers, Test Leads


Schedule Topics

Day 1 Module 1 – 2

Day 2 Module 3 – 5

Day 3 Module 6 – 8

Day 4 Module 9 – 10

Day 5 Module 11 – 14

** All Modules listed are covered during Workshop. However, Module Coverage and Day-wise coverage may vary based on Participants Need and Skillset. Some Modules may be covered early or later while some may require greater detailing than other modules. Day-wise break-up of Modules is only indicative, not to be considered as de-facto.

1.0Introduction to Workshop
Appium, Wire protocol, UI Automator, UI Automation, Desired Capabilities
Mix: Introduction to Mobile Automation using Appium
  • Basic Terminology: Testing, Types of Testing, Manual/Automation
  • What is Mobile Automation Testing
  • Mobile Application Testing Tools
  • Introduction to Appium
  • Where Appium can be used
  • WebDriver Wire protocol
  • Hybrid Apps, Native Apps and WebApps
  • UIAutomator
  • iOS-driver
  • Drawbacks and Limitations
Practicals: Appium Setup & Configurations for Android & iOS
  • Developer mode in Mobiles
  • Debug level settings in Phone
  • Connect & detect phones in DDMS with Pdanet software
  • Connect & detect phone in DDMS without Pdanet software
Practicals: Setup & Installation for Appium
  • Setup Java & Eclipse IDE
  • Setup Selenium for Appium
  • Setup Selenium Grid for Appium
  • Install and setup Node JS
  • Install Microsoft Dot Net framework
  • Download & Setup Appium
  • Configuring Various versioning API level requirements for Appium
  • Starting Appium Server from Console
  • Starting Appium Server from command prompt
  • Command line arguments for Appium
  • Running Appium Program
  • Create Android Virtual Machines (AVM) – Emulators
  • Install Simulator
  • Create, Build and Run first Script on Simulator`
2.0Appium Desired Capabilities, Packages and Activities
  • Practicals: Understanding Desired Capabilities class
  • Practicals:  Build Test Execution Matrix to Use Emulator and/or Device
3.0Appium Android Locator Strategies – Identify Mobile Elements
Practicals: Running a sample test to make sure everything works fine
Practicals: Testing on Emulators and Real devices
  • Finding elements in android – UIAutomatorViewer
  • Running Test Case with Appium – Android
  • How to interact with Hybrid Elements – Android
  • How to Run Mobile Web – Android
  • Run Test Cases on Real Devices – Android
What is Appium Inspector?
Practicals: Locating elements with the help of UIAutomatorViewer
Practicals: Testing Touch Actions for Android & iOS
  • Touch Events
  • Build scripts to simulate events like home, backspace, delete
  • Build event handlers to handle home, backspace, delete events
  • Implement Wait Actions
  • Implement handlers for Drag and drop elements
  • Multitouch Actions
  • Simulate
    • multiple gestures
    • Long press and delete elements
    • Toggle buttons
    • Pinch, Tap, Hold events
4.0Practicals: Appium Complex Elements Locator Strategies
  • Locating Elements on the App
  • What all can be locatable
  • Locating elements within elements
  • Locating multiple elements
  • Finding Elements by ClassName
  • Finding Elements by ids
  • Finding Elements by XPath
  • Understanding UISelector class
5.0Practicals: Appium – Testing Android Native App
  • Testing Internal Dialer Application
  • Extracting package and activity information
    • no need to install an app
  • Finding elements by class Name and id
  • Working with Android Phonebook
  • Extracting package and activity information
    • no need to install an app
  • Locating elements with same class Name
  • Finding Elements within Elements
  • Use driver.quit to kill the Appium instance
  • Benefits of using Ids
  • Testing native apps Touch Actions and Events - Handling user gestures
  • Drag and Drop
  • Multitouch Actions
  • Pinching and Tapping
  • Android Key Events
6.0Practicals: Appium – Testing Hybrid App
  • Testing Facebook App
  • Testing WhatsApp
  • Switching to WebView / NativeView through context
7.0Practicals: Appium – Web App Testing on Android’s default Browser
  • Opening browser on a Real Android Device
  • Navigating to the URL
  • Printing Title
  • Capturing Screenshots
  • Handling and Locating WebElements
8.0Appium iOS Locator Strategies – Identify Mobile Elements
What is Appium Inspector?
Practicals: Record and Play using Appium Inspector
Practicals: Locate elements of iOS App using Appium Inspector
Practicals: Testing on IOS, Simulators and Real devices
  • Testing on IOS Simulator
  • Apple Developer id
  • Testing Hybrid app on IOS / iPad simulator
  • Provisioning profiles
  • Desired Capabilities class
  • Working with Xcode
9.0Practicals: Appium – Testing Native / Hybrid Apps on IOS
  • How to interact with Hybrid Elements - iOS
  • How to Run Mobile Web – iOS
  • Working with Native app on iPhone real device
  • Deploying the app using XCode
  • Adding capabilities
  • Running the Appium inspector
  • Inspecting elements with appium inspector
  • Generating XPath with the help of inspector
  • Record and Play test
  • clicking, tapping, pinching etc.
  • Executing Native app test on the Real device
  • Handling Date Wheel pickers
10.0Practicals: Web Application Testing (iOS/Android)
  • Launching browser with Appium
  • Firing various commands on browser
  • Using UIAutomator to build Test Cases
  • Identifying objects of mobile browser
  • Build & Execute Scripts to use AppiumDriver commands on Mobile browser
11.0Practicals: Exception Handling
  • Implement Exception Handling
  • When launch fails
  • Take Screen Shot of Mobile Screen when Exception occurs
  • Implement Logger to log extra details of Cause of Exception
  • Create scripts to capture Memory, Battery, Network, and Performance of Mobile device
12.0Practicals: Selenium Grid
Setup and Deploy Appium Scripts using Selenium Grid
13.0Practicals: Serial and Parallel Script Execution
Deploy Appium scripts across Mobile Platforms
14.0Appium Good Practices
Appium Good Practices


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