Negotiation Skills

"You don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate“ - anon
A one day practical workshop on becoming an effective negotiator and able to conduct effective negotiations.
During the day the participants would get hands on experience of what effective negotiations mean.
Methodology: Case Studies, role plays, analysis from movie clips, group discussions
Topics covered :
1.    Why Negotiate
2.    What is effective negotiations
3.    Types of Negotiations
4.    Intuitive Negotiation vs Strategic negotiation
5.    Basic Principles of Negotiations
6.    Character of an effective Negotiator
7.    Negotiations – Short term benefits vs long term benefits
a.    Interest based vs Win:win
b.    Positional bargaining
8.    Individual Personalities and how these effect negotiation
9.    The Process of Negotiation
10.  Planning your Negotiation agenda
11.  The Behavioral aspects of a good negotiator
12.  Techniques for effective negotiation
13.  Handling difficult negotiations
14.  Handling emotions
15.  Your critical triggers – the emotional negotiator
16.  The Negotiators dilemma


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