Cloud Migration Overview

 Application migration objective

  • Conduct application discovery and assessment 
  • Create an approved Azure target architecture
  • Complete the Deployment Design Document (DDD)
  • Deploy the application in Organization's Azure environment 
  • Run tests to prove production readiness

Capture Application Key Stakeholders name form Migration and Application team side:

  • Application Team stakeholders
  • Migration Team stake holders

Follow Public Cloud Core Six Principles:

  1. Secure the Network
  2. Monitor the Environment
  3. Protect the Data
  4. Deploy Infrastructure as Code
  5. Control the Access
  6. Make the allocation match the demand

Secure the Network

  • Private network connectivity to the cloud – Private (VPC) and Public (PaaS) Peering
  • Private network connectivity to/from VPCs and PaaS services
  • Support for "Bastion” VPC with private satellite workload VPCs using transitive routing from source
  • No Internet ingress/egress other than from a designated VPCs
  • Micro-segmentation of resources using Network Security Groups

Monitor the Environment

  • Common shared logging and monitoring infrastructure
  • Proactive notification and remediation
  • Mandatory integration with Centralized monitoring solution
  • Full data access log capture for traceability
  • Support for capture and analysis of network flow logs

Protect the Data

  • Defense in depth – multiple layers of protection for all of Organization's data
  • Data is encrypted at rest and in motion
  • Seamless integration between PaaS services and key management infrastructure
  • Encryption keys owned by Organization's policy based and seamless key rotation
  • Data Access is limited to known IP address ranges/VPC ids

Deploy Infrastructure as Code

  • Immutable infrastructure – pre-built/pre-tested VM images
  • Replace, not repair
  • Fully automated CI/CD deployment pipeline
  • Industry-standard cross-cloud compatible toolchain – Terraform (orchestration), Packer (VM images), Ansible (configuration)
  • Limited DevOps access to Production – deployments are automated

Control the Access

  • Federation with on-prem Organization's identity realms – IT Services domain 
  • Support for legacy authentication and authorization needs (i.e. LDAP, etc.)
  • Workflow-based approval process to gain access (i.e. an onprime system)
  • Principle of least privileged access with ability to support fine grained access control

Make Allocation Match Demand

  • Auto-scaling number of VMs based on request load
  • Serverless “functions” fully managed by cloud provider
  • Containerized microservices running on cloud provider managed orchestration platform (i.e. Kubernetes)
  • Auto scaling PaaS services for load balancing, networking, messaging, etc.
  • Automatic event triggering that scales according to demand

Follow this migration flow of overall process

Migration Phases at High level you should go through:
Clearly define migration responsibilities in teams

During Kick Off, get the High-level overview of applications

  • What does the app do?
  • Current state architecture
  • Technology stack
  • Interfaces and dependencies

Have Migration Timeline:


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