Cloud Security principles and DevOps Task to follow

 Cloud Security Principals to follow:

1) Secure the Network
2) Protect the Data
3) Control the access: use generation for AUTH, provide least privilege's access
4) Monitor the Environment
5) Deploy architecture as a Code: mutable infrastructure deployment
6) Ensure allocation matches the demand

There are the 5 Key Cloud DevOps Skills your team need to Successfully Perform 40 App Support Tasks in to Public Cloud:

1) Account and Subscription Security:

  • Management of access to application workloads for groups and individuals.
  • Active Directory Group creation and management
  • Subscription-level access through Azure IAM 

2) Availability and Performance Monitoring:

  • Creation and response to alerts and advisor notifications
  • Azure Monitor and insights for availability and performance monitoring.
  • Azure Advisor for proactive recommendations on reliability, security, performance and cost.
3) Capacity Planning: Analysis of resources usage against current and future application needs.

4) Infrastructure and Platform Resource Management:
    Administration of application components (VMs, Storage, Services, etcl)
    Addition, removal, upsizing, and downsizing VMs as appropriate.
    Management of Storage Account (size, permissions) and file systems.

5) IP Address/Port and DNS Management
    Administration of application traffic components (Internal Load Balancers, App Gateways etc.)


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