Technology Stack to Azure Service Mapping


Technology Stack to Azure Service Mapping:





On Premise Datastore to Azure IaaS & PaaS Mapping:


-On-premise to Azure IaaS and PaaS Data Store Mapping Recommendations

-Existing “Core, Contain, and Sunset” applications are to be ported to Azure IaaS with using its current datastore to minimize cost and accelerate migrations

-App on-prem apps are encouraged to migrate to directly to PaaS when it makes good business sense to do so

-Selected strategic applications are to be Modernized to Azure PaaS, the remaining applications will be Optimized to run on Azure IaaS.

-All new application and microservices are to be developed on Azure PaaS datastores with Cloud Native enablement.

-All new applications and microservices are to select the most optimal datastore model (i.e relational, document, key-value, etc.) based on the application data profile, characteristics, shape, and/or size ( see Azure data store selection guide –

-Switching an exiting application from one database to another is rarely cost effective unless the application is rearchitected to into microservices and/or is enhanced to be Cloud Native.


Relational Datastores:

    • Relational datastore are mapped to the same or comparable Azure PaaS relational datastores
    • New or rearchitected relational applications should select MySQL whenever possible, because MySQL is the most popular and portable open source datastore in the industry. It reduces the risk of vendor lock-in and MySQL DBA skills are easily available.

NoSQL Datastores:

    • The NoSQL datastores are mapped to Azure CosmosDB. CosmosDB is Azure NoSQL PaaS datastore. Note: Testing needs to be conducted to verify that CosmosDB can perform and support the use cases required by applications
    • There are no comparable Azure PaaS NoSQL datastores for Couchbase which is an In-Memory Document-store; or K2View which is a customized Cassandra Key-Value datastore. Both Couchbase and K2View will be deployed on Azure IaaS.

Data Warehouse:

    • Data Warehouse datastores are mapped to Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
    • Data Warehouse datastores can be deployed on Azure IaaS as long as the IaaS infrastructure can scale to support the size of the Data Warehouse

Big Data:

Hortonworks HDP can be mapped to Azure PaaS HD Insights




MySQL Survey & Functional Assessment Summary:




    • Based on our assement, the Azure PAAS for MYSQL does provide parity with MYSQL CE in most features expect for replication.
    • For MYSQL, it’s replication capabilities enable multiple deployment topologies.
    • ‘MYSQL Deployment Topologies’ provides an illustration of the seven different deployments that are enabled by MYSQL’s replication capabilities.
    • Azure PAAS for MYSQL currently supports only one of the seven deployment topology, namely ‘Master with Slaves ( Single Replication) ‘.






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