Do you want to become cloud Architect?

 Do you want to become  an Architect?

What is your expectation from this blog post?

  • Handle ambiguity
  • Ask the right questions
  • Uskilling
  • Rols of an architect/responsibility
  • do architect code?
  • How to keep myself relevent?
  • How to defer decision?
  • How to not be beaten by other arechitects?
  • Deal with BIAS
  • What are the metrics to measure?/what not observability
  • CTO vs Architects
  • Where is the line for an architect
  • Engineering part of Architecture?
  • Certifications?
  • decision making!
  • Job Market for an architect
  • Context switching
  • How is AI and threat to architects
  • Soft skills needed?
  • Manger vs Architects
  • Manage dependencies
  • Leader Vs architect?
  • where to start
  • Documentations vs training
  • Resource Planning goes wrong/deal
  • How to better creating ERD
  • Comeback from failed architecture

Responsible for everything

"All blame is a waste of time No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him it will not change you." -- Wayne Dyer

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