10 effective habits of highly successful people we can copy shamelessly

 1. They have a daily routine & pattern. Some people like to do their creative work early in the morning while some do most of their work at night. Either ways, there is a pattern which is followed EVERY DAY

@BarackObama has a morning routine he follows sincerely. Mohammad Ali followed an extremely strict routine without compromise. Our very own

@warikoo has a daily routine he abides by
2. They maintain a Journal... of their ideas, thoughts, tasks, learnings or just experiences. A certain time of the day is allocated for this
World’s most famous investor Warren Buffet, maintains a journal & so does Richard Branson . Thomas Edison wrote over 5 million pages in his journals through his life
3. They take care of both their physical & mental health! Whether it is cardio & weight training or yoga & meditation, they follow a specific method to look after themselves holistically
Mark Cuban does one hour of cardio everyday while never misses her meditation sessions
4. They work on improving & upgrading themselves... constantly trying to get better
We are all amazed by the performances & growth of Virat Kohli . To this day he talks about getting better. This is how legends are made
5. They READ!As a popular saying goes “Leaders are readers”. When asked about his secret to success, Warren Buffet said ‘read 500 pages everyday’. is known to spend 3 hours on reading everyday
6. They take a break every now & then..... to relax, rejuvenate, switch off from work, to clear their mind... or to indulge in creative thinking
Bill Gates takes two week-long vacations every year. takes time off before every major. Achievers understand the importance of taking a break
7. They DON’T give up!
Jack Ma failed multiple times before finally experiencing success. Michael Jordan was dropped from his high school basketball team. ‘s Harry Potter novel was rejected 12 times. True champions never give up!!!
8. They pursue a hobby.... that detaches them from work
Jack Dorsey hikes on Saturdays while loves playing chess. Successful people have hobbies they pursue. Do you?
9. They Network!Via social media or through other means, successful people are constantly looking to connect with more smart people. This has resulted in them collaborating, co-founding startups & signing big contracts. Networking on Twitter lead to joining to launch Uber
10. They set Goals, and then work towards them EVERY SINGLE DAY
Elon Musk set new goals after he sold PayPal - SpaceX, Tesla, Hyperloop. He works hard every day to accomplish his goals, however crazy they might seem to others


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