Explained Cloud in comix

A cloud is nothing but a central datacenter fo providing hosting services and these services are ondemand, scalable with unlimited computation and storage.
Now, this is interesting one, onwning your own datacenter is costly and complecated, then you can go for a cloud, but what is a cloud?, a cloud is also a datacenter but what is the diffrence between a normal datacenter and cloud
datacenter? or when can I cal a datacenter a cloud? that means that datacenter can be private, public or anything..but when can you call it a cloud?
Right, so mons importand poin is if you see ..any cloud is a datacenter which provides a kind services or allow to provision services, that means a datacenter which provids the facility to host the services, what is those services?

It can be creating a VM,
creating the router or installing/defining the network as a services
deploying the application is a service,
Monitoring as a service,Troubleshooting as a service, Logmanagement as a service.
Hosting websites,Sotorage as a service. these are the first point of the cloud.
Than mean any datacenter which gives the capability of all theser services you can call that datacenter as a cloud.

2)Secon point is, services are elastic
3)Third point is cloud provides instrinstic high availability.
4)Forth poin is it provides unlimited computation.

Thser are basicallly 4 pillar of cloud. we call them cloud principle.

Let deep dive in point 1)
What do you mean by service here..?
if you look into tradintion data center, if I want to design traditional datacenter...this talks with 2 types of expenditure
One is CapEx(Capital Expenditure) another one is OpEx(Operational Expenditure)
what is CapEx ..First we need to have space, hardwars, electricity, cooling, storage devices on that I'll have my racs. I'll take the Rac size and I'll order the racs from Dell or HP, they will give you Rac mounted server.
bring that server and inster those server into the Rac, then you can start installing to OS, install software, start managing those software, start admnistoring those applications and so on. So till getting the the server on the Rac whatever the expences is incuring we call as a Capital Expenditure

OpEx: Managint the above environment is call operational expenditure.

So you did above CapEx and OpEx expences in setting up first generation datacenter. Then gradually you started using the datacenter and new concept emerged in second generation DC that is called Vertualization by using some kind of hypervisors. So what is the advantage of vertualization? There are 2 aspect when you are looking into the advantage of vertualization, Firstone is consolidation of hardwars..mean currently I have 20 t0 30 racs in my datacenter each has its own computation power, as they have its own motherboard and cpu.
So what hypervisors will do , it will vertualize your hardwars..there are diffrent types of virtualization.
a) Hvm -Hardware vertualization
b) Para vertualization- Os level vertualization
c) Application vertualization

but what we are taling is a Hardware virtualization- that mean you have the hardwares and on top of that you will put the hypervisor. so what is the advantage of it, .. instead of having 20-25 physical servers I will consolidate those into one physical server in my environment and over that I'll put my hypervisor. Now everyserver I'll crate as a VM throug help of hypervisor, so now what is the advantage here ...advantage is insted of you monitoring 20-30 servers independently  you will monitor single hardware environment, mean you can monitor just centralized one, understand ..that is one part.
Second most interestic part of vertualization is ....hypervisor is a software or not? its nothing but software right? so means any operation you perform form this vm is software assisted or we call the software definded. now what is the advantage of the software defind ..now take the example of ..if I'll bring storage device from emc2 then to manace this decice I need to have a certified person. If I bring a router from zuniper or I bring the router from sisco then I need to have certified person to manage these devices. Than mean every hardware with are properitery are having different operation machanism for managing that hardware. Now what is the advantage of in this vertualization..you can bring the hardware behind your virtualization layer, so for me to manage ..everything I can manage via the virtualization layer.. that  means whether it is ems or netapp, for me volume cration is same. whether it is zuniper router or a sisco router, my whay of defining the routs and all operation are same. So now everything became software defined...Software defined storage, software defind network. So that is in operation side its become very easy to do the administration or day to day operation on the particular hardware basicallly.
So vertialization is not a cloud and cloud is not a virtualization. So so when our virtualized(second generation DC) will provide the 4 characterstices(All kind of hosting as a service, services are elastic, high available, unlimited computation) then it will called as cloud.

so to provision service you can provide console or cli, a interface . So whenever you issueing any service provisioning command, there will be a small listener which we called as a CLOUD COntroller. this is kind of an endpoint which listen the command nothing else, and once it listen its triggers the provinsioning process..lest say you are triggering to crate a VM, first you need to defing what your vm-OS, vm-memory, vm-storage, type of processor (how many core you required) first hardware need to provision, and over that you need to install the os, overthat I need to install the softwars, that means there is stepwise procedure to create the environment. that means it triggers a workflow which interact with hardwar..that means Hardware provides setof api to intract with it, these apis are either rest based or soap based. that the reason all the hardwar dosn't support guys..if you look to microsoft that is HyperV they don't expose these aips at all, VMware they don't expose these aips at all, but you have opensource KVM is ther, ZEN is there they expose the apis, so you can use your hardware to entercact with any kind of these hypervisors.
Now ther is interesting thing.. you can code hole process either using Python, Ruby with other language for system level programming or  you have some readymade tools you can use it -Cherf, Puppet,  Ansible, SaltStack. so means when we have coded this process then crating a VM bicome a service or not?

First part of the cloud is the infrastructure provisiong automation. Even when we talk about devops, first part we talk about IaC (Infrastructure As A code), so by doding what are you achiveing means you are offring your infrastructure as a service. So in this way we converted our datacenter as a cloud which is called my private cloud.
Similerly we are having readymade software in the market to build a private cloud which are..OpenStack, WAP/Stack, from VMware we have vsphere with Vcloud, if you use any of these tools IaaS rady for you.


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