DevOps re-learning

DevOps re-learning 


"The practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the  entire service lifecycle from Design, through Development process to the production support" 

The Five Level of DevOps

1) Value
2) Principles
3) Methods
4) Practice
5) Tools

The Team Using DevOps Practices have: 
  • Deployed changes 30 times more frequently
  • Had 200 times shorter lead times
  • Experienced 60 times fewer failures
  • Recovered from errors 168 times fasters.

1) Value (CAMS)

Partick Debois is the God Father of DevOps

C ulture
A utomation
M easure -Measure key metrices across organization
S haring  - Collaboration

2) Principles

Principles helps in taking the core DevOps values & bringing to them to life. The most respected set of principles is called the Three Ways, This model was developed by Gene Kim, author of "Visible Ops" and "The Phonix Project" and Mike Orzen, author of  "Lean IT."

Three way of thinking --

Dev ----> Ops,  Dev---->Ops, Ops--->Dev, Dev<--->Ops repeating it.

a Culture of continuous experimentation and learning.

a)-System Thinking: to focus on the overall outcome of entire pipeline of value chain. Also called "From Concept to Cash"
b) Amplify Feedback Loop: 

Use the Three Ways:
-To create team process
-To create team standards
- As part of management style

Your DevOps Playbook
In Agile, there are defined methodologies like Scrum and Extreme programming that provide a Playbook for implementing Agile in an organization. 
In DevOps there are not as many that are well stablished, but some common methodologies have emerged. 

There 5 most prevalent DevOps Methodologies. 

1) People over Process over Tool, in short it recommends identifying who's responsible job function first then defining the Process that needs to happen around them and then selecting and implementing the Tool to perform that process.

2) Continuous Delivery

3) Lean Management : It consist of using small batches of work,

  • Work in small batches
  • Work in progress limits
  • Feedback Loops
  • Visualization

4) Change Control: Visible Ops-Style Change Control

  •  Eliminates fragile artifacts
  • Create a repeatable build process
  • Manage dependencies
  • Create an environment of continuous improvement

 5) Infrastructure as a Code

  • Treat servers like cattle not as pets


10 Practices for DevOps Success

10) Incident Command System
9) Developers on Call
8) Public Static Page (system outage)
7) Blameless Postmortems
6) Embeded Teams
5) The Cloud
4)  Andon Card
3) Dependency Injection
2) Blue-Green Deployment
1) Chaos Monky


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