
Showing posts from October, 2022

DevOps re-learning

DevOps re-learning  DevOps:  "The practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the  entire service lifecycle from Design, through Development process to the production support"  The Five Level of DevOps 1) Value 2) Principles 3) Methods 4) Practice 5) Tools The Team Using DevOps Practices have:  Deployed changes 30 times more frequently Had 200 times shorter lead times Experienced 60 times fewer failures Recovered from errors 168 times fasters. 1) Value (CAMS) Partick Debois is the God Father of DevOps C ulture A utomation M easure - Measure key metrices across organization S haring  - Collaboration 2) Principles Principles helps in taking the core DevOps values & bringing to them to life. The most respected set of principles is called the Three Ways , This model was developed by Gene Kim , author of "Visible Ops" and " The Phonix Project " and Mike Orzen , author of  " Lean IT ." Three way of thinking -- Dev --