Building Evolvable Architecture

Building Evolvable Architecture:


1) Identify Dimentions Affected by Evolution
2) Define Fitness Function(s) for Each Dimention
3) Use deployment Pipelines to Automate Fitness Functions

Evolvable Arch in Greenfield Projects 

Retrofitting Existing Architectures
-Identify Appropriate Coupling and Cohesion
-Develop Engineering Practices
-Identify and design Fitness Functions

What is Refactoring Vs Restructuring

COST (Commercial off-the-shelf) Implications

Migrating Architectures
Migrations Steps:
-A monolith architecture as the starting point for migration, a "share every thing" architecture.
-The service based, "share a little as possible" end result of the migration.
-Business functionality groups
-Transactiona boundaries
-Deployment goals

Evolving Module Interactions
Module with efferent and afferent coupling --> Modules with a common dependency-->Splitting the shared dependency-->SHaring a dependency via a JAR file -->Duplicatting a shared library to eliminate a coupling point.

Guideline for building Evolutionary Architecture:
-Rmove Needless Variability
-one of the goal of Continuous Delivery is stability
-Modern DevOps replaced snowflakes with immutable infrastructure.
-Immutable infrastructure

-Make Decisions Reversible
- Blue/green deployments
-Feature Toggles

-Prefer Evolvable over Predictable: All architectures become iterative because of unknown unknowns; agile just recognizes thi and does it sooner.
-Build Anti-corruption Layers

Build Sacrificial Architectures
Migrate External Change
Updating Libraries Versus Frameworks
Prefer continuous delivery to Snapshots
Version Services Internally

Evolutionary Architecture Pitfalls and Anti-patterns:
Antipatterns: Vendor King
Pitfalls: Leaky Abstractions

Antipattern: Last 10% Trap
Antipattern: Code Reuse Abuse
Pitfalls: Resume-Driven Development

Incremental Change
Antipattern: Inappropriate Governance -Forced Decoupling
Goldilocks Governance at PenultimateWidgets
Pitfall: Lack of Speed to Release

Business Concerns:
Pitfall: Product Customization
-Unique build for each customer
-Permanent feature toggles
-Product-driven cutomizaition

Antipattern: Reporting
-Separation of domain and reporting services, coordinated via message queues

Pitfall: Planning Horizons: Don't become irrationally attached to handcrafted artifacts.

Putting Evolutionaryy Architecture into Practice:
Organizational Factors
-Cross functional Teams (Business Analysts, Architecture, Testing, Operations, Data)
 Finding new resources via automating DeveOps
Organization around Business Capabilities
Organize teams around business capabilities not job functions.
Product over Project: teams emphasis is to model their work around products rather projects.
e.g Amazon's "Two Pizza " Teams
Dealing with External Change: Consumer driven contracts use thests to estabilsh contracts between a provider and consummers.

Connections Between Team Members:
Team Coupling Characteristics
Culture Experimentation
-Encourageing explicit improvement
-Spike and Stabilize
-Creating Innovation time
-Following set-based development
-Connecting engineers with end-users

CFO and Budgeting
Building Enterprise Fitness Functions
Where do you Start?
-Low hanging gruit
-Highest Value

Future State?
-Fintess Functions Using AI
-Generative Testing

Why or Why NOt?
-Predictabble vs Evolvable
-Advance Business cpabilities
-Cycle time as a business metric
-Isolating architectural characteristics at the quantum level


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