Cloud Discussion

Hadoop is a big data management and massive storage solution

Any social networking requires tow things
a) a powerfull search engine and Masshive storage
popular seach engines are Lucine is appache product, and solar(solar has licence, solar enterprice and solar community eddition), Elastic(is open source there is no commercial eddition)
There are many usecaces wher ppl are using Hadoop as a storage and elastic search as a processing engine
Default storage in Azure is called Table sotrage and in amazon we have Dynmo DB for no sql.
Apart from that there different cloud for no sql like Mango cloud, we hace casendra,
Amazon has native support for elastic, you can create vm of elastic,
MySQL is free right, yes,
there is IBM product called websphere commerce server, it is ecom product, at the backend they uses solar, Its commercial virsion they have customized solar and developed WebSphere.
Even you are goaing for opensource have to pay for support anywhere.
Salesforce(CRM) is using elastic customised for there use, rcommendation and reusable processes comes from elastic search, elastic is ver light weight guys, the reason is .. lucine people say its search engine lucine is not enine its uses set of Jars, you have to pull those Jars into yr application and at your application level you devvelop your whole search option, its not like product so that I take a Lucine Product and I can install it and congugure then it will work..not like that, ..that why its comes with Jars, people don't know how to scale it, like I want multiple lucine instance which can..lucine gaves what my Index api and what is my search api thats all, solar has taken first time Lucine and they developed their own api that is called solar with beautifull GUI but again it was lacking the scalability solar was very bad on dosn't have multi node instance,that is where elastic has came up, he just developed to make it elastice which is nothing bud multi node env ..that is where complete market has been taken over by Elastic,but after that solar realize and solar now support multy node but by this time all the market has been taken over by Elastic. Now Solar cloud has come lime multi node and everything, how HA is very good in solar but in first generation is was not there.
These are the most use cases of cloud.
While creating EC2 instances you should choose the zone in aws closer to client and to meet the legal complience,
Since day one Azure is having DC in india reason why indian customers choosed azure,
having data choser to client benifit is latency ..second is moving infrastructure to cloud is easy ..suppose you have petabytes of data and your db is in US and you want to move it to cloud then how you wills send thosed data to US (snow balling) .
if you have gigabite n/w also it will take manydays to transfer data of Petabytes.
If I have terabites of data with VMs, I'll copy those data to drive and send it to their banglore office instead of uploading it, they will upload it from there.
Snowballing device support upto 50 TB of data.
Edge Network or Perimeter N/W, what is it?


Edge Network or Perimeter N/W, what is it?
Above the physical layer they have put the firwall that is called physical network firwall, now when you are creating virtual machine it not only virtualizes the physical layer it virtulaises the firewall also. that means VM1 will gets its own firwall, VM2 will get its own firwall, VM3 will get its own firwall.. but remember guys when I will install OS into ist it will again get one more firewall which is s/w base firwall and personal firwall. Every vm has its own firwall so we cn right the firwall rulses or not.. so cullenction of thses firwall rules called as security rules.try to understand security groups are not a firwall..those just rules and you have to bind it with firwall then rules will be aply on firwalls..that means security groups can be reusable accross the vm means ..evey vm will get an firwall and I want same firewall rules on all the VM. Suppose when you create a VM and there is no security proup that means there is no rule applied on the VM firwall then it means nothhing is accessible in VM eve u can't ping also, they will block ping trafic also. SO when VM comes up first we intract with VM firwall and configure the rules..I want to ssh enable the ssh, I want to ping enable the ping process, I want to RDP my vm then enable the rdp of my vm like that you have to enable the each trafice on the firewall. During creation of vm it askes, do you want to create sequrity group or not in aws, but in azure it create default security group. I will enable HTTP in webserver and HSS on web VM but will not enable anything on DB VM...when I'm saying to appy these rules it applies on Public IP of the VM not on private IP, firwall will restrict to pulbic not the private ..VM will be able to communicate with each other through private IP, that means I can RDP to App VM from WebServe VM..and can RDP to DB VM from APP VM.


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