Technical design document template

Technical design document template 
1. General
1.1. Project general description
1.2. Solution general description
1.3. Guidelines from the functional design
1.4. Development guidelines.
1.4.1. Best Practices.
1.4.2. Standards.
2. Architecture
2.1. Physical architecture
         2.1.1. Diagram
2.2. Logical architecture
         2.2.1. Application server architecture
         2.2.2. Services server architecture
         2.2.3. SharePoint / Web architecture
3. Database
3.1. General description
3.2. Tables list
3.3. Database diagram
3.5. Stored procedures
3.6. Triggers
3.7. Jobs
4. Infrastructure
4.1. General
4.2. Logging handling
4.3. Auditing and tracing handling
4.4. Exception handling
          4.4.1. General
          4.4.2. Custom Exceptions
4.5. Monitoring
4.6. Data Access
          4.6.1. General
          4.6.2. Typed Datasets
4.7. Common
          4.7.1. Common Enums
          4.7.2. Common Objects
          4.7.3. Common functions
4.8. Multi-Language Support
4.9. Printing Mechanism
4.10. Cache management
        4.10.1.Web site cache
        4.10.2.Application cache
        4.10.3.Database cache
4.11. Configuration
        4.11.1.Global configuration
        4.11.2.Web site configuration
4.12. Unit Testing
        4.12.2.Tested Components
4.13. Transactions
4.14. Validations
         4.14.1.Application validations
         4.14.2.Web site validations
5. Business entities
5.1. General
5.2. Entities diagram
5.3. Entities description
6. Security
6.1. General
          6.1.1. Web site security
          6.1.2. Server security
6.2. Authentication
6.3. Authorization
6.4. Cross-site scripting (XSS)
6.5. SQL injection
6.6. Script injection
6.7. User input validation
6.8. Cryptography
7. Performance and Load Testing
7.1. General
7.2. Performance
7.3. Load Testing
8. Interfaces
8.1. Interfaces diagram
9. Data conversions
9.1. General
9.2. Mappings
10. External Services
10.1. General
10.2. Windows services
10.3. Queue Management
11. Presentation
11.1. General Structure
11.2. State management
              11.2.2.Application State
              11.2.3.Session State
11.3. Master pages and themes
11.4. Pages
11.5. User controls
11.6. Custom controls
11.7. Resources
11.8. Common functions
11.9. Error Pages
11.10.UI graphic guidelines
11.11.Ajax support
          11.12.2.Web parts
         11.12.4.Event handlers
         11.12.5.Http handlers.
12. Application Server 
12.1. General
12.3. Server gateway
12.4. Business Logic Layer
             12.4.2.<BL 1>
12.5. Data Access Layer
             12.5.2.<DAL 1>
13. 3rd party dependencies
13.1. General 
13.2. Dependences diagram
         13.2.1.<Dependency 1>


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