Designing Software with Generics and Reflection in C# ASP .NET
Introduction As software becomes more complex, the ability to design a modular and re-usable architecture into your software becomes increasingly important. Using the programming concept of generics with interfaces, included in C# ASP .NET 2.0, software developers can abstract algorithms and classes into individual class libraries. The libraries can be accessed, in a generic fashion, from the main software. The key to this process relies on using interface design patterns and .NET reflection. What's a Generic? .NET generics can cover several related topics. The common usage of generics is specifying templated object names instead of concrete ones, which lets you pass multiple types to a function rather than only the concrete form. However, in the example listed below, we will be focusing on using generics and reflection with a class library interface architecture. This is becoming a popular method of programming enterprise software, as it provides a great deal of re-usable modules ...